Wayward lifeforms dancing through concrete dreams, does it go hand-in-hand with the inferior musings of a weak and incompetent child? Scoring the boredom that prolongs silence is simply an automatic and head-first route into a doom filled frontwards with frozen blossoms and animals trapped in time, black and white for eternity. A light organ slowly sweeps through the background, the yawning of an elderly man wakes his wife and startles her into a heart attack which gives him one as soon as he opens his eyes and discovers the scene is teeming with death for his entire soul. But what about everything else that does not care about maintaining an image? What about the sky and the trees and the wildlife and the tiny molecules of existence that link everything together like legos? Waiting to find out takes forever; but forever is all we really have.
ImPuReAlBaTrOsS: define incompetent.
SmarterChild: Terrorism!
Yes, he did that shit. And it frightened me. But also, it made me smile.
eva 03prototype: she felt like that she couldnt give up on him
eva 03prototype: she felt like he had potentiol
eva 03prototype: and that she could bring it out
ImPuReAlBaTrOsS: Potential.
eva 03prototype: oh no
eva 03prototype: dont you feel good
eva 03prototype: correcting the kid who cant spell
Look at Justin's Face.
Full version out in 2-3 days. Hopefully. If McKenna lets me edit at home.
Extended Forcast.
If you've ever seen a crackhead trying to cross a busy street you'd believe that reality wins in the end. Though if I saw that I wouldn't write it down and instead try and warn the passing cars until the street had been crossed. Since willful suspension is such a big motor in our economy the wild and self-destructive are now just a little pussycat one can ride. This I believe. Calculated loss of millions from induction jolts and stuff won't slow it down; a simple annoyance. Yet, the most important distinction is that I invest real hope in growth. Before I can do that I must challenge to change, must decide. Tonight I have to say: for 12 years I slept pretty well and they had it theys' way, your chance--and it didn't work.
1 comment:
Fired PR Person Facing Legal Heat
Monday, September 26, 2005, by Lockhart Recall last week's news that NYC brokerage DwellingQuest had fired its PR head, Kelly Kreth, for pseudonymously writing about her coworkers on her personal blog online ...
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