Q:I Hope for U SO much and feel so eaegr FOR U fel I canot WATE taht teh exp3ctation on3e more 2 c ur faec agane macks me fel F3V3RISH and mah haart bats so fast-- I go 2 slep at night and teh first THNG I KNOW IM SITNG THEYRE WIED AWAEK CASPNG MAH HANDS TIGHTLY AND THINKNG OF U11!!!!1!???
A:OMG most honors mah styla who learns under it 2MOST D3STROY teh da nuh BGINNG INHARENT IN BIRTH can maek itsalf falt in da workd only B/C DA n3wcomar pos3ses teh CAPACITY OF BGINNG SOMETHNG AENW TAHT IS OF ACTNG!!!!111 LOL
Q:Is this s3nsa OF INITIATIEV an alement of action?
A:THEIR NATALITY IS INHARENT IN AL HUMAN ACTIVITEIS11!!1!! OMG LOL MORAOV3R SINCE action is teh poltical activity PAR EXCELANCE natality and not morality may b teh central CAETGORY OF POLITICAL as distinguished from metaphysical THOUGHT.
Yet unbound enough to look beyond the priment rose
Spent with six decisions to be seven-legged into creeks
One leg left behind to mourn the journey
Mourn the wading over shelves descending
The eighth please leave unstepped.
Get two birds. Kill one. Dip the live bird in the blood of the dead one. Kill a couple doves and burn them. Crickets, well cooked, are to be matched with Pinot Noir and never Pinot Gris.
To me the word professional begs something or someone a bit more extraordinary: the ability to step inside the client, to share dreams, quirks and idiosyncracies...to become the customer. Left so duly unimpressed, I've ended up very inclined to do the job myself. This was my mindset, until I happened upon YOU. And now it occurs to me...if all could be like YOU, I'd call them all professionals.
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