Sawing Down Conrete Elms with Bare Hands.
[She Sighed at Me Today]
If I were to draw you a portrait of yourself, would you be able to tell it was you? It's not my problem nor something to ever summon the brain power to ponder, because time wasted is money gained by people that are not you. People like me and your mother. Whom I enjoy fucking.
As the underground "crimson" (lame (shutup (no (yes (arg)))) rings of nothing and everything begin to rise and elite popstars run frantic through unsettled streets, a dwarf falls into a sewer and unidentifiable beasts rip him apart to nothing but the sad skeleton of a seemingly overweight child. Then again, the way the wind blows is the way things fall down. Nothing ever knows what is approaching until set in dirt below a cheap gravestone...payed for by whom, you say? The Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints? Fucking...fucking Save the Children or some nonsense? Fuck off. I am not a difficult person, I just cannot see what anyone is saying displayed in mid-air bubbles. Like a graphic novel, yeah. The main reason established a birthday party that is designed to take place on shaking towers, yes, plural. The cake and ice cream will not, I repeat, will fucking not be served through walls of white noise. Do the kids ever cease with the distortion? The blacks may have it right. They may have had it right all along.
In that regard, millions were lost in the last two minutes. 1,000 to be exact. Defiant, a legacy of defeat and gutteral/mental erosion. Immense kindly from treehouses and roosters revelate acquatically. Low quality in subsitute for economical benefits. The mother is dead. Matter of fact, all are. The silencer makes a whisper of the gunshot.
And we all whisper back. All.
Saw this film, Bright Leaves today. Very good, check out that Slant review for details.
Stylus Magazine has a great piece on Thurston Moore's 1995 solo album, Psychic Hearts.
Also, they have their nearly completed list of The Top 50 Movies of the New Millenium. Check back in the next few days to see the list's completion.
Re: Opinion on C.C.P.S. (Capitol Contact Probation Services) Version XIX
With the information and guidance I received from your program I was given all I needed and a direction and some (thread) or "safety life line" sewn together smoothly and eventually it became a garment to wear or a blanket to cover me or anything else anyone would want or need for themselves or a loved one to keep someone from going without.A simple box of rags in bits and pieces became parts that finally had become a complete creation that had been needed. I feel I became a more complete, more purposeful creation fulfilling my role of contribution to myself, my family and my community and in our whole lives in general.
No Winners (Through and Through)
I'll have the last laugh, at the foot of your grave.
He who laughs last will leave you there alone, laughing.
You will never see the end of your plans.
Who is right?
This is the test: He who laughs last, laughs best.
My friend, I won't desert you.
I will be by your graveside, as you stood idly by my side
when I was choking, beaten down.
You laughed at me then.
But this is the final test: He who laughs last, laughs best.
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